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Coming Back: Conversations on life after loss

Aug 22, 2018

Sometimes it's the little things we miss the most. This week, Michele Neff Hernandez talks about why she misses her husband, Phil, every time it rains.

Michele Neff Hernandez's work:

Camp Widow:

Season 4 of Coming Back premieres September 5, 2018!

In the meantime...

  1. Enter my giveaway to win a copy of Grief Works and You Are Not Alone by supporting Coming Back on Patreon. Winner will be selected at random from the list of all active patrons as of 8/31/2018. Winner will receive a copy of Grief Works by Julia Samuel and You Are Not Alone by Debbie Augenthaler, a set of three Coming Back podcast stickers, and a handwritten thank you note. Make your pledge here:
  2. Ask Me Anything LIVE on Google Hangouts Monday 8/27 at 7:00 Central when you pledge $33/month or more on Patreon!
  3. Receive more information on the 2019 Bereavement Cruise when you fill out this form:


Continue the conversation on grief and loss in my private Facebook group, The Grief Growers' Garden:

To ask a question or leave a comment for a future show, leave a voicemail at 312.725.3043 or email, subject line, "Podcast."

Because even through grief, we are growing.